Web Based

Agricultural Service Profile Website

Project Info

  • Category: Web Based, Services
  • Year: 2020
  • Website: -
  • Location: Kutai Barat

Project Description

Company profile website is a website created to display the profile of an agency or company so that readers can get to know the agency more deeply. Along with the development of the Republic of Indonesia, the existing government agencies gradually began to be addressed and perfected. Therefore, a profile website for the Department of Agriculture was created with several features, namely: Home, Profile, Programs and Activities, Publications, Farmers Clinic, LAKIP and SAKIP, Documents, About Distan, UPT and BPP.
Here are the various benefits that will be obtained when the company already has a company profile website:

  • Company Profile website is very important for your company presentation tool in the digital or internet realm.
  • The company profile website serves as a tool to carry out the digital marketing strategy for your company's products.
  • Media to describe the company's vision and mission in the future, as well as informing the history and development of the company so far to customers and potential partners.
  • The company profile website is indeed an important role in building the image or branding of a trusted company.
  • The existence of a company profile website as a medium of information to the public in this case customers and partners, for example related to important agendas, events, product promotions, and so on.
  • As a medium of communication between the company and its customers, or partners. Related to product services, complaints, questions, criticisms and suggestions.
  • Media for sponsorship or cooperation needs.
  • It is important to develop yourself and move from conventional to digital models.

A Monthly Project Fee
Price Plans

For genereal enquires you can touch with our front desk supporting team
at hallo@thortech.asia or call on +62 811 5556 670
  • Address
  • Jl. Magelang No.188, Karangwaru, Kec. Tegalrejo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55242
  • Phone
  • +62 811 5556 670
  • E-Mail
  • hallo@thortech.com
We are at 3 places over the country, see our branches.